About Us
Marion County Sheriff’s Department protects and serves its citizens in a variety of ways. Marion County deputies respond to all law enforcement calls outside of city limits and assist in covering the towns of Powells Crossroads and New Hope when they do not have an officer on duty. Marion County deputies are responsible for serving civil process, responding to emergency calls, completing reports for past occurred calls and assist the citizens in numerous other ways (answering basic questions, build a rapport with it’s citizens by community outreach programs.
MCSD is located in the Marion County Justice Center. Our administration, detectives and corrections facility are located on the first floor of the Justice Center.
Marion County Sheriff’s Department works very closely with all of the schools in Marion County and assigns a deputy to each school to be the School Resource Deputy. They ensure the safety at all of our schools and help mold our youth.
The detectives of MCSD investigate crimes ranging from thefts to assaults, missing persons, child and elder abuse, drug crimes and sex crimes.
MCSD is also responsible for our dispatchers. The dispatchers are located in an adjacent building. There they answer all 911 and non emergency calls for the entire counties law enforcement and fire departments, dispatch all law enforcement within Marion County, dispatch all fire departments (over 15) in the county, EMA, rescue and connect calls to our local EMS agency. They also maintain the warrants system in Marion County, which at this time is not available online.